Bring your waders though, there's quite a bit of code to sort through.
We are using garden variety FT232R chips (VID 0403, PID 6001). (Well,
almost garden variety -- we've reprogramed their EEPROM so you can
wiggle CBUS 03 in bitbang mode which turns on and off the 5V power to
the connected instrument. That's why I need libftdi in the first place...)
Your udev solution sounds elegant. There's just one problem: Window's
isn't Linux. :)
I'll keep digging.
On Thu, Mar 8, 2018 at 7:45 PM, Ryan Tennill
That's a shame! I was excited to have such an easy solution for a
decidedly annoying problem... I can't help much on the Windows
side of things unfortunately. Are the devices off-the-shelf
products or are they something custom built for your application?
In the past I have used this udev rule to create symlinks that
helped me map out the devices. If you use the PROGRAM={} you can
run a script that produces the name of the device instead of using
the symlink.
# udev rule for AWARE MCCM G2 serial interfaces
#identify FTDI devices with VID/PID pair and create a convent
symlink in /dev
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0403", GROUP="plugdev",
Post by Robert PoorI was trying to ditch the pyserial lib specifically because of
But since I have a workaround, I'll stick with that until someone
tells me how to do it with libftdi...
- Robert
On Thu, Mar 8, 2018 at 5:59 PM, Ryan Tennill
[Disclaimer: I'm using the pylibftdi library as my sole
access to the libftdi library, so pardon any translation
I'm running in an environment where there may be multiple
FTDI devices plugged in. And I'm running other code (a
Modbus library) that needs to know the port names (i.e.
/dev/cu.usbxxx on unix/osx or COMxx on Windows) for each
FTDI device.
I'm using ftdi_usb_find_all() (via pylibftdi's
Device.list_devices()) to get the list of serial numbers
-- that works. But I need to know the port names for
each device.
Is there a call in libftdi that will produce the port
name for a given serial number?
- rdp
Pyserial can do this.
Not sure how well it works on osx/windows but I know it works on Linux.
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